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West Dunbartonshire’s MP, Martin Docherty-Hughes has submitted a new parliamentary Early Day Motion congratulating Clydebank’s Golden Friendships Club on their recent Scottish Charity Awards nominations. Martin recently attended the opening night of Red Ramp Events launched by Jim McLaren and the team at Golden Friendships – at what is thought to be the world’s first community-based wheelchair entertainment venue.

Local MP Martin submitted the parliamentary motion in the House of Commons on 22nd May, 2023, congratulating Golden Friendships on its nomination for the Community Action award at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations Scottish Charity Awards. The motion also noted the vital work of Golden Friendships in helping to alleviate social exclusion for all groups of people by organising entertainment and other activities.

“I’m grateful for everything they do to improve the lives of disabled people across West Dunbartonshire and beyond.

Martin Docherty-HughesMP West Dunbartonshire

Text of Martin’s Early Day Motion

That this House congratulates Golden Friendships on its nomination for the Community Action award at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations Scottish Charity Awards, to be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Edinburgh on Friday 23 June 2023; notes the vital work of Golden Friendships in helping to alleviate social exclusion for all groups of people by organising entertainment and other activities; celebrates the achievements of all 32 finalists in this year’s Scottish Charity Awards; recognises the hard work of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations in organising and hosting the Scottish Charity Awards annually; and thanks Golden Friendships and all nominated voluntary organisations and individuals for the crucial work that they do in communities across the country.

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Golden Friendships Community Hall

18 Nairn Place
West Dunbartonshire
G81 4AU

T: 0141 588 3070

Registered charity from 13 November 2017 – SC047924